Wesley X. Deng, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Finance; Dean's Research Fellow

UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney

Research Interests

Corporate Finance; Empirical Asset Pricing; AI and Finance; Emerging issues and Finance; Labor and Household Finance;

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School of Banking and Finance

UNSW Business School

UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052


Wesley (Xiaohu) is an Assistant Professor of Finance at UNSW Sydney. His primary research area is the real effects of financial market frictions. His research also focuses on emerging issues facing companies and financial markets, including 1) gender and racial diversity in business leadership; 2) AI, innovation, and firm decision making; and 3) the impact of retail traders in the market; with cutting-edge big data and AI analytics.

He has published at leading academic journals such as Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Journal of Corporate Finance. His research has made significant social impact. Some of his research findings have been featured in several major academic forums, news media, and think tanks such as Harvard Business Review, Oxford Business Law Blog, Duke FinReg Blog, CATO Institute, and among others.