1. Seeing is Believing: Annual Report Enhanced Visuals and Stock Returns Predictability, (with Gao, Lei, Hu, Bo, & Zhou, Guofu). [SSRN]
Firms adding visuals into annual reports experience positive abnormal returns, accompanied by increased institutional attention and holdings.
On EFA 2024 (European), AFBC 2024, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific, CICF 2022
2. Steering Innovation: Women at the Helm, (with Gao, Lei, & Han, Jianlei). [New Draft Coming Soon]
Companies headed by women produce approximately 50% more patents and citations, relative to those led by men.
On FMA Asia-Pacific 2022, AFBC 2022
3. Firm Inflexibility and Corporate Tax avoidance, (with Huseynov, Fariz, Sardarli, Sabuhi, and Zhou, Chao). [SSRN]
Inflexible firms are more likely to engage in tax avoidance, primarily through tax-saving avoidance.
On FMA 2023, FIRN 2023, New Zealand Finance Meeting 2022
4. Geopolitical Risk and Technological Innovation, (with Astvansh, Vivek, & Habib, Adnan). [SSRN]
Firms' innovation output is worsened amid rising geopolitical risk, likely through losing critical talents and lowering R&D investment.
Featured in Harvard Business Review
On AFBC 2022, FIRN PhD Symposium
5. Stakeholder Orientation and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Constituents Statues, (with Jiang, Christine, & Shen, & Shuyu).
Stakeholder oriented firms invest less but more efficiently.
On FMA 2022, Vietnam International Conference in Finance 2023
1. Law, Politics, and Trade Credit in China, (with Miao, S., Zhu, Z., & Wen, F. ), 2024, Journal of Corporate Finance, 88, 102643.
2. Short Sale Constraints and Corporate Investment, (with Gupta, Vishal, Lipson, Marc L., & Mortal, Sandra C.), 2023, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58(6), 2489-2521. [SSRN]
3. Short Selling Constraints and Politically Motivated Negative Information Suppression, (with Jiang, Christine X., & Young, Danqing), 2021, Journal of Corporate Finance, 68, 101943. [SSRN]
Media coverage: Duke FinReg Blog
4. Short-sale Constraints and Stock Price Crash Risk: Causal Evidence from a Natural Experiment, (with Gao, Lei, & Kim, Jeong-Bon), 2020, Journal of Corporate Finance, 60, 101498. [SSRN]
Media coverage: Oxford Business Law Blog CATO Institute